Two Minutes….

Time is a tricky thing. Sometimes it flows seamlessly and every minute makes sense and every hour is what you imagined. Other times, it stalls completely. Making you stop and stare into space, and wonder how it is still not lunch time at work – can I get an amen. And then, there is time in your life where it does the opposite of slow down. It’s as if you blink and years fly by. You grasp to make them slow down and hold your breath because, surely, if you aren’t breathing, time cannot continue at its current speed.

I’m never sure what to do when time speeds by me. I’m never sure how to handle the speed at which it can fly by. How do you slow something down that, technically, is always moving at the same speed?

Today is one of those days that feels like the blink of an eye. It’s the Bug’s birthday. He is two today. TWO. T.W.O. When I reflect on this, I am positive that there has been a break in the space/time continuum and the passage of time in respect to my specific life – because the world revolves around me and my family, of course – is not moving correctly. It must be fixed, it must be figured out and corrected so that I can slow it down (except when it comes to lunch time, carry on time/speed warp). If you were to ask the Bug how old he is today, he would promptly tell you six. You would then proceed to tell him that his brother is going to be six in November, not him. As you ask him, again, how old he is going to be; he will look at you, smile, and then say two minutes. It melts my heart. every. single. time.

People, come on. Come. On. This kid has no idea how true that it is. I swear I just packed a bag for the hospital. Also, I still feel terrified because I needed to have something that rhymes with smea-smection. It wasn’t fun, but boy am I glad it was available. Saved little Bugs life. Thinking back it really does seem like a short amount of time. The truth of the matter is, that some days it feels like it has been exactly two minutes since he was born – side bar: some days it feels like a lot more than two minutes, but it’s his birthday so we won’t talk about those days right now.

I cannot really explain the time warp that is parenting. I can’t figure out how some days seem never ending, yet some seem like they never happened. I can’t explain this phenomenon, but what I can tell you is that I am going to celebrate because even though my brain is having a hard time computing the passage of time, the Bug is two today. And, that, is pretty wonderful! We are going to smile and laugh. Eat donuts and have cake. Open presents and listen to stories. And when I kiss him goodnight tonight, even though it has already been two years, I’ll pray that the next ones won’t feel like two minutes.


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